Fastway Blog

This Engineering Simulation blog focuses on the application of FEA and CFD within a variety of industries. Enjoy!

Multi-Material Machinery, Part I: Alloys

 Here at Fastway Engineering, we are addicted to speed and performance. It is at the core of our business, and the focus of our consultation services...


Vintage Vortex Visualization

Check out this classic video from the NASA Ames Research Center on Computational Fluid Dynamics in 1988. NASA Fluid Dynamics Division Chief, Dr Paul...


The Nuts & Bolts of a Tesla Model S

 Desktop Engineeringrecently reportedon a neat case study of how Tesla Motors automates their Finite Element Analysis (FEA) Pre-Processing.



Hot Topic: Computer & Electronics Cooling

With increasing capabilities in smaller packaging, power densities are skyrocketing and as a result electronics cooling is one of, if not the most,...


Making Waves with Oracle Team USA

The Oracle Team USA AC72 trimaran is an amazing piece of aero and hydrodynamic machinery... and just a few months ago, it won the 34th America's cup...


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